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Growing up in Austria - a country with no big budget Hollywood productions or top notch world class commercials you can imagine it’s pretty hard to learn from the big names in our industry. After quite some time working in the industry I realized how hard it is to learn high-end workflows, get to know the tools all the pro’s are working on or the tricks all the veterans are using on a daily basis. So I decided to help everyone else with the knowledge I gathered over the years. I strongly believe sharing knowledge is the way we’re all together getting better rather than keeping all the secrets to oneself. Whether you’re just kicking off your colorgrading career or want to push yourself to the next level. I'm here to demystify all the tools, workflows, tips and tricks.


I'm a Blackmagic Design DaVinci Resolve Certified TrainerRead more about me here

My website as a Colorist:

Get in touch:


Credit: ©Thomas Dunzendorfer (Dir & DP), Atomic


Unfortunately there are a lot of misleading and unprofessional resources out in the www. But at the same time it's also a bit hard and time consuming to find tips, tricks and knowhow from real pro's. So I decided to collect and share this professional information.


Show me all tutorials                      Show me all resources

• useful for your everyday work

• currated links from professional sources only

• information you can trust

• selfmade tutorials, look breakdowns & quick tips

• ever-growing  library

• learn at your own pace


#1 ©Nico Wieseneder;

#2 ©Roland Kluger (Dir & DP), Sony Music;

#3 ©René Rodlauer (DP) & Marios Glöckner (Dir)

#4 ©Thomas Dunzendorfer (Dir & DP), Barilla x Atomic

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