You will just get all the charts right away! But the densitometer readings aren't available yet.
Included in this pack:
- Synthetic charts & charts + footage recorded on Arri Amira AWG3/LogC3 (ProRes4444)
- Fotokem's shiftAi® 2383 print & scan-pack process as ProRes4444 of the AWG3/LogC3 footage above
- Around 1700 color patches laser recorded on Kodak® 250D and scanned on BMD Cintel G3 HDR+
- The same Kodak® 250D footage from above printed to a Kodak® 2383 film stock and scanned on BMD Cintel G3 HDR+
- CSV or TXT files of the densitometer readings from the 1700 patches on Kodak® 250D & 2383 film stock (not included yet; will be added around Q1/2025)
Charts in the frame of the filmed AWG3/LogC3 footage are:
- X-Rite® Colorchecker Digital SG
- X-Rite® Colorchecker Classic
- Kodak® Grey Card
- Kodak® Grey Scale
- Kodak® Color Seperation Guide
More details, insights and tutorials about how to use them and how to create film profiles can be found here:✌🏻
This digital product may not be redistributed, copied, or sold in any way. Refunds are not accepted.